Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our Magnificence – Our Right

Our Magnificence – Our Right

In this age we are always mindful of the political correctness of our style, our language, and our innuendo whether intentional or not. We have become a people of super sensitivity to race, gender, disability, age, religion, the rich, and the poor, educated, non educated and sexual preference. It seems we have become a species that may not be allowed to have a preference about anything. After all if we express our opinions or preferences than there will always someone, somewhere, who might be offended by it. I wonder if we will stifle generations of free thinkers by society dictating how we may express ourselves. Where will be our next Leonardo  di  Vinci or Michelangelo?

Will we recognize the great thinkers of our time or will these men and women be so weighted by the appearance of impropriety that they will not reveal themselves to us; at least not in a way they we can fully appreciate them.

It appears that we are to be so homogenized that individualization is unacceptable. I ask to what benefit is all of this machination. It seems not to have benefited blacks, whites, people with disabilities, or races or nationalities and religions. There is still on the streets and the news the same rhetoric about the oppression of the black community, in the USA, and other minorities; are they happier? it appears not to be so.
Every category of people continues to experience the same dissatisfaction with their life that makes me wonder about what is existing  internally rather than externally.

I now understand more the humor of George Carlin when he shouted from the stage every unacceptable word that he could think of. Carlin was noted for his black comedy and his thoughts on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. The audacity of Carlin’s  "Seven dirty words" comedy routine used to get me  a little miffed.  I understand now that he was rejecting, at that time, what countless citizens are just becoming sick of;   the oppressive, nonsensical,  supra sensitivity of our age.

It is my hope that we all, irrespective of our corner of the world, do not bow to the pettiness that has forced upon us and is currently indoctrinating our children; That we always will embrace the magnificence of creativity and freedom of thought in our journey of life. 
The exercise of individuality is reflected in our expressions and opinions. Let us nurture, respect and revere this independence, this Magnificence,  OUR right...

By..C. Gilman Jones

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